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Storage for span data shared by multiple Layers.

Using the Span Registry

This module provides the Registry type, a Subscriber implementation which tracks per-span data and exposes it to Layers. When a Registry is used as the base Subscriber of a Layer stack, the layer::Context type will provide methods allowing Layers to look up span data stored in the registry. While Registry is a reasonable default for storing spans and events, other stores that implement LookupSpan and Subscriber themselves (with SpanData implemented by the per-span data they store) can be used as a drop-in replacement.

For example, we might create a Registry and add multiple Layers like so:

use tracing_subscriber::{registry::Registry, Layer, prelude::*};

let subscriber = Registry::default()

If a type implementing Layer depends on the functionality of a Registry implementation, it should bound its Subscriber type parameter with the LookupSpan trait, like so:

use tracing_subscriber::{registry, Layer};
use tracing_core::Subscriber;

pub struct MyLayer {
    // ...

impl<S> Layer<S> for MyLayer
    S: Subscriber + for<'a> registry::LookupSpan<'a>,
    // ...

When this bound is added, the Layer implementation will be guaranteed access to the Context methods, such as Context::span, that require the root subscriber to be a registry.



  • Provides access to stored span data.
  • A stored representation of data associated with a span.