Trait sqlx_core::row::Row

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pub trait Row: Sealed + Unpin + Send + Sync + 'static {
    type Database: Database;

    // Required methods
    fn columns(&self) -> &[<Self::Database as Database>::Column];
    fn try_get_raw<I>(
        index: I
    ) -> Result<<Self::Database as HasValueRef<'_>>::ValueRef, Error>
       where I: ColumnIndex<Self>;

    // Provided methods
    fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { ... }
    fn len(&self) -> usize { ... }
    fn column<I>(&self, index: I) -> &<Self::Database as Database>::Column
       where I: ColumnIndex<Self> { ... }
    fn try_column<I>(
        index: I
    ) -> Result<&<Self::Database as Database>::Column, Error>
       where I: ColumnIndex<Self> { ... }
    fn get<'r, T, I>(&'r self, index: I) -> T
       where I: ColumnIndex<Self>,
             T: Decode<'r, Self::Database> + Type<Self::Database> { ... }
    fn get_unchecked<'r, T, I>(&'r self, index: I) -> T
       where I: ColumnIndex<Self>,
             T: Decode<'r, Self::Database> { ... }
    fn try_get<'r, T, I>(&'r self, index: I) -> Result<T, Error>
       where I: ColumnIndex<Self>,
             T: Decode<'r, Self::Database> + Type<Self::Database> { ... }
    fn try_get_unchecked<'r, T, I>(&'r self, index: I) -> Result<T, Error>
       where I: ColumnIndex<Self>,
             T: Decode<'r, Self::Database> { ... }
Expand description

Represents a single row from the database.

This trait is sealed and cannot be implemented for types outside of SQLx.

Required Associated Types§

Required Methods§


fn columns(&self) -> &[<Self::Database as Database>::Column]

Gets all columns in this statement.


fn try_get_raw<I>( &self, index: I ) -> Result<<Self::Database as HasValueRef<'_>>::ValueRef, Error>
where I: ColumnIndex<Self>,

Index into the database row and decode a single value.


Provided Methods§


fn is_empty(&self) -> bool

Returns true if this row has no columns.


fn len(&self) -> usize

Returns the number of columns in this row.


fn column<I>(&self, index: I) -> &<Self::Database as Database>::Column
where I: ColumnIndex<Self>,

Gets the column information at index.

A string index can be used to access a column by name and a usize index can be used to access a column by position.


Panics if index is out of bounds. See try_column for a non-panicking version.


fn try_column<I>( &self, index: I ) -> Result<&<Self::Database as Database>::Column, Error>
where I: ColumnIndex<Self>,

Gets the column information at index or None if out of bounds.


fn get<'r, T, I>(&'r self, index: I) -> T
where I: ColumnIndex<Self>, T: Decode<'r, Self::Database> + Type<Self::Database>,

Index into the database row and decode a single value.

A string index can be used to access a column by name and a usize index can be used to access a column by position.


Panics if the column does not exist or its value cannot be decoded into the requested type. See try_get for a non-panicking version.


fn get_unchecked<'r, T, I>(&'r self, index: I) -> T
where I: ColumnIndex<Self>, T: Decode<'r, Self::Database>,

Index into the database row and decode a single value.

Unlike get, this method does not check that the type being returned from the database is compatible with the Rust type and blindly tries to decode the value.


Panics if the column does not exist or its value cannot be decoded into the requested type. See try_get_unchecked for a non-panicking version.


fn try_get<'r, T, I>(&'r self, index: I) -> Result<T, Error>
where I: ColumnIndex<Self>, T: Decode<'r, Self::Database> + Type<Self::Database>,

Index into the database row and decode a single value.

A string index can be used to access a column by name and a usize index can be used to access a column by position.


fn try_get_unchecked<'r, T, I>(&'r self, index: I) -> Result<T, Error>
where I: ColumnIndex<Self>, T: Decode<'r, Self::Database>,

Index into the database row and decode a single value.

Unlike try_get, this method does not check that the type being returned from the database is compatible with the Rust type and blindly tries to decode the value.


Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.
