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mod catalog;
pub use catalog::*;
pub trait Width: Sized + 'static {}
impl Width for u8 {}
impl Width for u16 {}
impl Width for u32 {}
impl Width for u64 {}
/// This struct describes a CRC algorithm using the fields specified by the [Catalogue of
/// parametrised CRC algorithms](https://reveng.sourceforge.io/crc-catalogue/all.htm).
pub struct Algorithm<W: Width> {
/// The generator polynomial that sets the feedback tap positions of the shift register. The
/// least significant bit corresponds to the inward end of the shift register, and is always
/// set. The highest-order term is omitted.
pub poly: W,
/// The settings of the bit cells at the start of each calculation, before reading the first
/// message bit. The least significant bit corresponds to the inward end of the shift register.
pub init: W,
/// If equal to `false`, specifies that the characters of the message are read bit-by-bit, most
/// significant bit (MSB) first; if equal to `true`, the characters are read bit-by-bit, least
/// significant bit (LSB) first. Each sampled message bit is then XORed with the bit being
/// simultaneously shifted out of the register at the most significant end, and the result is
/// passed to the feedback taps.
pub refin: bool,
/// If equal to `false`, specifies that the contents of the register after reading the last
/// message bit are unreflected before presentation; if equal to `true`, it specifies that they
/// are reflected, character-by-character, before presentation. For the purpose of this
/// definition, the reflection is performed by swapping the content of each cell with that of
/// the cell an equal distance from the opposite end of the register; the characters of the CRC
/// are then true images of parts of the reflected register, the character containing the
/// original MSB always appearing first.
pub refout: bool,
/// The XOR value applied to the contents of the register after the last message bit has been
/// read and after the optional reflection. It has the same endianness as the CRC such that its
/// true image appears in the characters of the CRC.
pub xorout: W,
/// The contents of the register after initialising, reading the UTF-8 string `"123456789"` (as
/// 8-bit characters), optionally reflecting, and applying the final XOR.
pub check: W,
/// The contents of the register after initialising, reading an error-free codeword and
/// optionally reflecting the register (if [`refout`](Algorithm::refout)=`true`), but not
/// applying the final XOR. This is mathematically equivalent to initialising the register with
/// the xorout parameter, reflecting it as described (if [`refout`](Algorithm::refout)=`true`),
/// reading as many zero bits as there are cells in the register, and reflecting the result (if
/// [`refin`](Algorithm::refin)=`true`). The residue of a crossed-endian model is calculated
/// assuming that the characters of the received CRC are specially reflected before submitting
/// the codeword.
pub residue: W,