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//! An asynchronously awaitable event for signalization between tasks
use crate::{
intrusive_double_linked_list::{LinkedList, ListNode},
use core::pin::Pin;
use futures_core::{
future::{FusedFuture, Future},
task::{Context, Poll, Waker},
use lock_api::{Mutex, RawMutex};
/// Tracks how the future had interacted with the event
enum PollState {
/// The task has never interacted with the event.
/// The task was added to the wait queue at the event.
/// The task has been polled to completion.
/// Tracks the WaitForEventFuture waiting state.
/// Access to this struct is synchronized through the mutex in the Event.
struct WaitQueueEntry {
/// The task handle of the waiting task
task: Option<Waker>,
/// Current polling state
state: PollState,
impl WaitQueueEntry {
/// Creates a new WaitQueueEntry
fn new() -> WaitQueueEntry {
WaitQueueEntry {
task: None,
state: PollState::New,
/// Internal state of the `ManualResetEvent` pair above
struct EventState {
is_set: bool,
waiters: LinkedList<WaitQueueEntry>,
impl EventState {
fn new(is_set: bool) -> EventState {
EventState {
waiters: LinkedList::new(),
fn reset(&mut self) {
self.is_set = false;
fn set(&mut self) {
if self.is_set != true {
self.is_set = true;
// Wakeup all waiters
// This happens inside the lock to make cancellation reliable
// If we would access waiters outside of the lock, the pointers
// may no longer be valid.
// Typically this shouldn't be an issue, since waking a task should
// only move it from the blocked into the ready state and not have
// further side effects.
// Use a reverse iterator, so that the oldest waiter gets
// scheduled first
self.waiters.reverse_drain(|waiter| {
if let Some(handle) = waiter.task.take() {
waiter.state = PollState::Done;
fn is_set(&self) -> bool {
/// Checks if the event is set. If it is this returns immediately.
/// If the event isn't set, the WaitForEventFuture gets added to the wait
/// queue at the event, and will be signalled once ready.
/// This function is only safe as long as the `wait_node`s address is guaranteed
/// to be stable until it gets removed from the queue.
unsafe fn try_wait(
&mut self,
wait_node: &mut ListNode<WaitQueueEntry>,
cx: &mut Context<'_>,
) -> Poll<()> {
match wait_node.state {
PollState::New => {
if self.is_set {
// The event is already signaled
wait_node.state = PollState::Done;
} else {
// Added the task to the wait queue
wait_node.task = Some(cx.waker().clone());
wait_node.state = PollState::Waiting;
PollState::Waiting => {
// The WaitForEventFuture is already in the queue.
// The event can't have been set, since this would change the
// waitstate inside the mutex. However the caller might have
// passed a different `Waker`. In this case we need to update it.
update_waker_ref(&mut wait_node.task, cx);
PollState::Done => {
// We have been woken up by the event.
// This does not guarantee that the event is still set. It could
// have been reset it in the meantime.
fn remove_waiter(&mut self, wait_node: &mut ListNode<WaitQueueEntry>) {
// WaitForEventFuture only needs to get removed if it has been added to
// the wait queue of the Event. This has happened in the PollState::Waiting case.
if let PollState::Waiting = wait_node.state {
// Safety: Due to the state, we know that the node must be part
// of the waiter list
if !unsafe { self.waiters.remove(wait_node) } {
// Panic if the address isn't found. This can only happen if the contract was
// violated, e.g. the WaitQueueEntry got moved after the initial poll.
panic!("Future could not be removed from wait queue");
wait_node.state = PollState::Done;
/// A synchronization primitive which can be either in the set or reset state.
/// Tasks can wait for the event to get set by obtaining a Future via `wait`.
/// This Future will get fulfilled when the event has been set.
pub struct GenericManualResetEvent<MutexType: RawMutex> {
inner: Mutex<MutexType, EventState>,
// The Event is can be sent to other threads as long as it's not borrowed
unsafe impl<MutexType: RawMutex + Send> Send
for GenericManualResetEvent<MutexType>
// The Event is thread-safe as long as the utilized Mutex is thread-safe
unsafe impl<MutexType: RawMutex + Sync> Sync
for GenericManualResetEvent<MutexType>
impl<MutexType: RawMutex> core::fmt::Debug
for GenericManualResetEvent<MutexType>
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter) -> core::fmt::Result {
impl<MutexType: RawMutex> GenericManualResetEvent<MutexType> {
/// Creates a new ManualResetEvent in the given state
pub fn new(is_set: bool) -> GenericManualResetEvent<MutexType> {
GenericManualResetEvent {
inner: Mutex::<MutexType, EventState>::new(EventState::new(is_set)),
/// Sets the event.
/// Setting the event will notify all pending waiters.
pub fn set(&self) {
/// Resets the event.
pub fn reset(&self) {
/// Returns whether the event is set
pub fn is_set(&self) -> bool {
/// Returns a future that gets fulfilled when the event is set.
pub fn wait(&self) -> GenericWaitForEventFuture<MutexType> {
GenericWaitForEventFuture {
event: Some(self),
wait_node: ListNode::new(WaitQueueEntry::new()),
unsafe fn try_wait(
wait_node: &mut ListNode<WaitQueueEntry>,
cx: &mut Context<'_>,
) -> Poll<()> {
self.inner.lock().try_wait(wait_node, cx)
fn remove_waiter(&self, wait_node: &mut ListNode<WaitQueueEntry>) {
/// A Future that is resolved once the corresponding ManualResetEvent has been set
#[must_use = "futures do nothing unless polled"]
pub struct GenericWaitForEventFuture<'a, MutexType: RawMutex> {
/// The ManualResetEvent that is associated with this WaitForEventFuture
event: Option<&'a GenericManualResetEvent<MutexType>>,
/// Node for waiting at the event
wait_node: ListNode<WaitQueueEntry>,
// Safety: Futures can be sent between threads as long as the underlying
// event is thread-safe (Sync), which allows to poll/register/unregister from
// a different thread.
unsafe impl<'a, MutexType: RawMutex + Sync> Send
for GenericWaitForEventFuture<'a, MutexType>
impl<'a, MutexType: RawMutex> core::fmt::Debug
for GenericWaitForEventFuture<'a, MutexType>
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter) -> core::fmt::Result {
impl<'a, MutexType: RawMutex> Future
for GenericWaitForEventFuture<'a, MutexType>
type Output = ();
fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<()> {
// It might be possible to use Pin::map_unchecked here instead of the two unsafe APIs.
// However this didn't seem to work for some borrow checker reasons
// Safety: The next operations are safe, because Pin promises us that
// the address of the wait queue entry inside MutexLocalFuture is stable,
// and we don't move any fields inside the future until it gets dropped.
let mut_self: &mut GenericWaitForEventFuture<MutexType> =
unsafe { Pin::get_unchecked_mut(self) };
let event = mut_self
.expect("polled WaitForEventFuture after completion");
let poll_res = unsafe { event.try_wait(&mut mut_self.wait_node, cx) };
if let Poll::Ready(()) = poll_res {
// The event was set
mut_self.event = None;
impl<'a, MutexType: RawMutex> FusedFuture
for GenericWaitForEventFuture<'a, MutexType>
fn is_terminated(&self) -> bool {
impl<'a, MutexType: RawMutex> Drop
for GenericWaitForEventFuture<'a, MutexType>
fn drop(&mut self) {
// If this WaitForEventFuture has been polled and it was added to the
// wait queue at the event, it must be removed before dropping.
// Otherwise the event would access invalid memory.
if let Some(ev) = self.event {
ev.remove_waiter(&mut self.wait_node);
// Export a non thread-safe version using NoopLock
/// A [`GenericManualResetEvent`] which is not thread-safe.
pub type LocalManualResetEvent = GenericManualResetEvent<NoopLock>;
/// A [`GenericWaitForEventFuture`] for [`LocalManualResetEvent`].
pub type LocalWaitForEventFuture<'a> = GenericWaitForEventFuture<'a, NoopLock>;
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
mod if_std {
use super::*;
// Export a thread-safe version using parking_lot::RawMutex
/// A [`GenericManualResetEvent`] implementation backed by [`parking_lot`].
pub type ManualResetEvent = GenericManualResetEvent<parking_lot::RawMutex>;
/// A [`GenericWaitForEventFuture`] for [`ManualResetEvent`].
pub type WaitForEventFuture<'a> =
GenericWaitForEventFuture<'a, parking_lot::RawMutex>;
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
pub use self::if_std::*;