Evaluate the view that strict rules and regulations are essential to create a more stable economy


  • Details of 2008. How it happened, market failure -> needs regulation to stop
  • Systemic Risk - Banks are interconnected because they loan money to eachother. If one fails they could all fail and cause a collapse of the financial system.
  • Stress Test - Can the banking sector survive for 30 days of shock -> Capital Ratio
  • FPC is proactive rather than reactive. This makes the economy more stable as crisis are less likely and less severe. Less opportunity cost and less damage to consumer confidence


  • Government Failure - Regulatory Capture
    • The FPC gets money from the firms it regulates which means there is a conflict of interest
  • Countries with less regulation get boosted AD as banks move to them.
  • Free market means more innovation and growth, which means they could recover from economic shocks better
  • Other factors have a greater effect on stability, such as government spending, competence of Central Bank.


  • To be effective, the regulations need to be international
    • Otherwise, banks will move to countries with less regulation
    • Banks are still interdependent across countries
  • Trade off / Opportunity cost
    • Little regulation -> higher AD and faster growth, higher risk of financial crash
    • Strict regulations -> low risk of financial crash, lower AD