Specification Reference - Micro

This uses the AQA specification from here. You should read through it and then come to here to discover the topics you want more information on.

Economic methodology / Economic Problem

Individual economic decision making (Y2)

Price determination in a competitive market

Production, costs and revenue

Market Structures (Perfect competition, imperfectly competitive markets and monopoly) (Y2)

The Labour Market

Distribution of wealth (Y2)

The market mechanism, market failure and government intervention in markets

  • How markets and prices allocate resources
  • The meaning of market failure
  • Externalities
  • Types of goods
  • Market imperfections
    • Imperfect / asymmetric information
    • How monopolies can lead to market failure
    • How immobility of factors of production can lead to market failure
  • Competition Policy
    • General principles of UK / EU competition policy
    • Costs / Benefits of such policies
  • Public vs Private ownership and deregulation
  • Government intervention in markets
    • Market failure provides an argument for government intervention
  • Government Failure
    • Occurs when intervention causes a misallocation of resources
    • Can be due to insufficient information or conflicting objectives
    • Can lead to unintended consequences