Government Intervention

Sometimes the free market mechanism fails to allocate resources efficiently (Market Failure).

In order to solve the market failure, the government can intervene through various ways.

Government Failure

  • Government Failure occurs when an intervention leads to a deeper market failure, or worse, a new market failure
  • Intervention creates further inefficiencies, a missallocation of resources and a loss of economic / social welfare
  1. Policies may have damaging long-term consequences for the economy or society
  2. Policies may be ineffective in meeting their stated aims
  3. Policies may create more losers than winners
  • Can happen if a policy decision fails to create enough of an incentive to change people's behaviour

Possible Causes

  • Political Self-interest
  • Policy myopia - Quick fixes
  • Regulatory Capture
    • Where regulation is designed / influenced by the group it is targetting
  • Information failure
  • Disincentive effects
  • High enforcement / compliance costs
  • Conflicting policy objectives
    • Minimum carbon price vs UK competitiveness
  • Bureaucracy / Read tape
    • Costs of enforcement may hurt enterprise and incentives
  • Unintended consequences
    • Black markets
    • Bank bail outs -> causes moral hazard
    • People circumvent new laws