Laws that are implemented to encourage or discourage the production or consumption of a good or service.
- Age restriction
- Smoking indoors ban
- Driving licenses
- Pictures on packaging
- Products not on show
- Gambling restrictions
- Education until 18
- Quotas / limits on production of some products
- Environmental Laws
- Employment, such as National Minimum Wage
- Health and safety laws
- Regulations are backed by the law, there are consequences if they are broken
- Widely used and proven to be effective, such as the smoking ban indoors.
- If used correctly, they create a socially optimal outcome
- Not regressive
- Can lead to the creation of an illegal marketplace
- Opportunity cost in enforcing regulations. Must be policed, which is expensive
- Deterrent must be large enough, to discourage individuals / firms from breaking the regulations
- If fines / deterrents are set incorrectly, this is a form of government failure
- Environmental regulation - difficult to prove who has broken the regulation.