A process by which the world's economies are becoming more closely integrated
Multi-national Corporations
- Apple (USA)
- Starbucks (USA)
- Amazon (USA)
- M&S (UK)
- Walmart (USA)
- Aldi (Germany)
- Google (USA)
- B.P (UK)
The majority of multi-national corporations come from HDCs (especially the US).
Reasons for Foreign Direct Investment / Multi-national corporations
Multi-national corporations invest in other countries, so they are a form of F.D.I.
There are multiple reasons for investing in another country:
- Market seeking
- Seeking to expand their demand / number of possible customers
- E.g Google
- Efficiency seeking
- Seeking lower costs
- E.g Apple gains cheap manufacturing from China
- Resource seeking
- Seeking resources that are scarce / not available in the country of origin
- E.g B.P drilling for oil across the world.
Why the speed of globalisation has increased
- Technology change
- Communication technology has allowed cheap and easy transfer of information between the head office and global sites
- Revolution in transportation via containerisation
- Firms can pack products on site, reducing costs of sea transport
- Trade has becoming more liberal as protections have been lifted due to the work of the World Trade Organisation
- Deregulation of financial markets around the world
Drawbacks of globalisation
More susceptable to external shocks:
- Covid
- War in Ukraine
- Oil prices
- 2008 Financial Crash
Unemployment and deindustrialisation occurs as MNCs move production out of developed countries into newly industrialised countries.
- Causes structural unemployment
Access to protected markets is restricted, so it is not a level playing field (Protectionism)
Impact on LDCs
Impact on the Balance Of Payments
- Initially, credit due to large investment, e.g $20m
- Eventually, debits due to profits paid back to headquarters
- Year 1 -> $50,000
- Year 5 -> $10m
Benefits of F.D.I and MNCs in an LDC
- Creation of jobs
- Skills and training provided for workers
- Increase in tax revenue
- Access to capital and dynamic efficiency
Potential costs for an LDC
- Capital intensive production techniques - few jobs created
- Top jobs imported in with the company
- CEOs, CFO, CTOs are all based in the home country, only low paying jobs given in the LDC
- May have to cut taxes to attract MNCs
- Negative externalities, e.g pollution
- Infant Industries cannot compete with MNCs.