Economic Integration

The process of blurring the boundaries that separate economic activity in one nation state to another (Removing barriers to trade).

Examples of barriers to trade

  • Tariffs
  • Product standards
    • In the EU they have the same standards for all countries
  • Quotas
  • Employment laws
    • Free movement of workers
  • Subsidies
LevelAbolition of tariffsCommon External TariffFree movement of labour and capitalAbolition of non-tariff barriersCommon market policiesCommon currency and monetary policy
1. Free Trade Area
2. Customs Union
3. Single Market
4. Economic Union
5. Monetary Union
  1. No tariffs on goods and services between members
    • NAFTA - North American Free Trade Area
    • USA, Canada and Mexico
    • Causes manufacturing to move to mexico
  2. Same tariffs on products / service
    • ASEAN / Mercouser
  3. Free movement of goods, services, capital and labour
    • Single European Market
  4. Similar / Same Fiscal policies
    • E.U common subsidies
  5. Single currency
    • Euro zone
  6. Same country
    • US - States merged to become one country