Human Development Index
The Human Development Index is a measure of development.
It uses three key criteria:
- Average life expectancy
- Education Index
- Mean years of school
- Expected years of school
- Income Index (GNI at PPP)
The HDI is a number between 0 and 1. A higher number is more developed.
Drawbacks of H.D.I
- Doesn't show regional differences
- Slow to respond / doesn't update often enough to show short term changes
- GNI does not show welfare, depends how the government spends it, e.g military
Improvements to the H.D.I
These factors if added to the H.D.I it could make it more accurate.
- Distribution of Income (Included in Human Poverty Index)
- Level of environmental degration
- Freedom / Political Freedom
- Happiness
Top Countries
0.961 - Switzerland 0.959 - Norway 0.955 - Iceland