Business Finance

How businesses raise money for growth and investment.

Key Sources of Business Finance

Fiances business over many yearsFinances major projects or assets with a long lifeFinances day-to-day trading of the business
Share capitalBank LoansBank overdraft
Retained ProfitsLeasingTrade creditors
Venture CapitalHire purchaseShort-term bank loans
MortgagesGovernment grantsFactoring
Long-term bank loans

Debt Finance

Debt Financing means borrowing money from an outside source, with the promise of paying back the borrowed amount, plus the agreed-upon interest at a later date.

  • Bank Loans
  • Bank Overdraft
  • Credit Cards
  • Mortgages
  • Peer to Peer lending
  • Corporate Bonds

Equity Finance

Raising money by selling shares of your business.

  • Angel Investors - Dragon's den
  • Venture Capital - Investment bank
  • Stock Market Listing - Initial public offering
  • Crowdfunding